Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Alien Eyes - Poem

Alien Eyes, Tha Poem, not the full length rap
Category: Writing and Poetry

Alien Eyes

Life has become a laminated experience
w/ fraid edges slowly tearing away @ our existence.
What happens when?

God No longer exists!
Humans are cloned by 300 generational scientist.
So, when the time is right. . .
be collected as an army.
Against your will;
Against democracy.
They don't need our coinciousnesses,
Just our bodies.
Leavin' tha remaining few tattred souls rebuilding,
Scattred, searching time for hobbies.
Mines. . .drugs.
Destroying our brains,
It entertains our talents, though, here in tha WASTELANDS.
I see dead people.
Keep calling themselves MAN.
Constant complaining,
Fighting for what they think;
Precisely why they do not have.
Like Zombies.
Lacking focus reaching a center.
Incapable of earthly plans.
Leading all of man toward Utopia.
Beautiful place; spoiled because,
Man hates the taste of what he doesnt' understand.
A deadly race.
It's survival of the fittest.
Winner takes all.
There are no LIMITS.
The meek aren't inheriting shit.
The only ones left are weak,
and the future Earth they'll be left with is bleak.
The trueth which I seek,
can only be seen through my Alien Eyes.

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