Thursday, April 30, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
"Our destiny, in my opinion, and we might as well get started with it, is [to] become a part of the planetary community. ... We should be ready to reach out beyond our planet and beyond our solar system to find out what is really going on out there."
Mitchell grew up in Roswell, New Mexico, which some UFO believers maintain was the site of a UFO crash in 1947. He said residents of his hometown "had been hushed and told not to talk about their experience by military authorities." They had been warned of "dire consequences" if they did so.
But, he claimed, they "didn't want to go to the grave with their story. They wanted to tell somebody reliable. And being a local boy and having been to the moon, they considered me reliable enough to whisper in my ear their particular story."
Roughly 10 years ago, Mitchell claimed, he was finally given an appointment at Pentagon to discuss what he had been told.
An unnamed admiral working for the Joint Chiefs of Staff promised to uncover the truth behind the Roswell story, Mitchell said. The stories of a UFO crash "were confirmed," but the admiral was then denied access when he "tried to get into the inner workings of that process."
The same admiral, Mitchell claimed, now denies the story.
"I urge those who are doubtful: Read the books, read the lore, start to understand what has really been going on. Because there really is no doubt we are being visited," he said.
"The universe that we live in is much more wondrous, exciting, complex and far-reaching than we were ever able to know up to this point in time."
"NASA does not track UFOs. NASA is not involved in any sort of cover-up about alien life on this planet or anywhere else -- period," Michael Cabbage said Monday.
Debates have continued about what happened at Roswell. The U.S. Air Force said in 1994 that wreckage recovered there in 1947 was most likely from a balloon-launched classified government project.
Stephen Bassett, head of the Paradigm Research Group (PRG), which hosted the X-Conference, said that the truth about extraterrestrial life is being suppressed because it is politically explosive.
"There is a third rail [in American politics], and that is the UFO question. It is many magnitudes more radioactive than Social Security ever dreamed to be," Bassett said
NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell - who was part of the 1971 Apollo 14 moon mission
Mitchell grew up in Roswell, New Mexico, which some UFO believers maintain was the site of a UFO crash in 1947. He said residents of his hometown "had been hushed and told not to talk about their experience by military authorities." They had been warned of "dire consequences" if they did so.
But, he claimed, they "didn't want to go to the grave with their story. They wanted to tell somebody reliable. And being a local boy and having been to the moon, they considered me reliable enough to whisper in my ear their particular story."
Roughly 10 years ago, Mitchell claimed, he was finally given an appointment at Pentagon to discuss what he had been told.
An unnamed admiral working for the Joint Chiefs of Staff promised to uncover the truth behind the Roswell story, Mitchell said. The stories of a UFO crash "were confirmed," but the admiral was then denied access when he "tried to get into the inner workings of that process."
The same admiral, Mitchell claimed, now denies the story.
"I urge those who are doubtful: Read the books, read the lore, start to understand what has really been going on. Because there really is no doubt we are being visited," he said.
"The universe that we live in is much more wondrous, exciting, complex and far-reaching than we were ever able to know up to this point in time."
"NASA does not track UFOs. NASA is not involved in any sort of cover-up about alien life on this planet or anywhere else -- period," Michael Cabbage said Monday.
Debates have continued about what happened at Roswell. The U.S. Air Force said in 1994 that wreckage recovered there in 1947 was most likely from a balloon-launched classified government project.
Stephen Bassett, head of the Paradigm Research Group (PRG), which hosted the X-Conference, said that the truth about extraterrestrial life is being suppressed because it is politically explosive.
"There is a third rail [in American politics], and that is the UFO question. It is many magnitudes more radioactive than Social Security ever dreamed to be," Bassett said
NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell - who was part of the 1971 Apollo 14 moon mission
Monday, April 20, 2009
Big earthquake coming sooner
The good news: New research is giving scientists a better handle on when the big one might strike the Pacific Coast.
The bad news: It probably will be sooner than we thought.
"The amount of devastation is going to be unbelievable," says Rob Witter, coastal geologist with the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. "People aren't going to be ready for this. Even if they are prepared, they are going to be surprised by the level of devastation."
Witter spoke last week about the latest in earthquake and tsunami studies -- it's Earthquake and Tsunami Awareness Month -- as part of state and local efforts to educate the public on preparing for a megaquake of magnitude 9 or more. Witter and James Roddey, spokesman for the state agency, also will give a public talk Tuesday in Newport.
Witter says scientists are now in wide agreement that there's a 10 to 14 percent chance a powerful earthquake and tsunami will strike the Oregon coast in the next 50 years.
Why do they think that? The latest findings come from Chris Goldfinger, director of the Active Tectonics and Seafloor Mapping Lab at Oregon State University, Roddey says. But to understand Goldfinger's work, Roddey goes back to what he calls "one of the great scientific detective stories of the 20th century."
Twenty-five years ago, scientists didn't think the Cascadia subduction zone -- a place 50 to 75 miles off Oregon where two of the Earth's plates meet, one sliding under the other -- could produce earthquakes.
That changed after Brian Atwater, a renowned geologist with the U.S. Geological Survey, began in the mid-1980s to study earthquakes, eventually tracing a theory all the way to Japan, Roddey says.
Atwater studied a "ghost forest" -- dead trees in a tidal marsh -- by the Copalis River in Washington, and theorized that a megaquake had killed the cedars. But he needed more evidence.
That came when Japanese researchers published a paper in 1996 about a tsunami that struck Japan on Jan. 27, 1700. Atwater was so intrigued that he learned the language and traveled to Japan.
In 2003, he and a team of Japanese researchers published the book "The Orphan Tsunami" about their theory that the last megaquake struck the Oregon coast Jan. 26, 1700, spawning the tsunami that washed over Japan hours later.
"This was the final puzzle piece that convinced everyone we had the potential for great earthquakes," Roddey says. Work to understand just how great has gone on ever since.
Enter Goldfinger, the OSU researcher. "Chris has been able to go back 10,000 years, and by studying offshore landslides, he found that we've had about 20 of these magnitude9-plus subduction zone earthquakes where the whole 600-mile-long fault ruptures," Roddey says.
Then he found 18 other quakes magnitude8 to 8.5 in the southern part of the subduction zone. "So instead of 20 subduction zone earthquakes, we're up to 38," Roddey says.
And, Witter says, instead of thinking giant quakes occur every 500 years, Goldfinger's work puts the cycle at 300 to 350 years.
"We've almost doubled the probability of these events happening," Roddey says. "It just gives a whole lot more urgency to educate the folks at the coast that, 'Hey, you got to get ready.'"
Native Americans, Roddey says, have known this for centuries. Inhabiting the coast for 10,000 years, they passed stories of big quakes from generation to generation.
"They created a cultural tradition by retelling these events and legends," Roddey says. "We see that around the world. When the Sumatra earthquake struck (the Indian Ocean), the Andaman Islands were right in the middle of the rupture zone. There was huge ground shaking, but very few people died from the tsunami because they had also created this culture of awareness. They went to high ground. They survived the event."
Though the Sumatra and Cascadia subduction zones differ, Witter says, a tsunami here would be much the same.
"The geology and numerical models predict tsunamis could reach as high as 80 to 100 feet in Oregon, which is similar to the tsunami that struck Sumatra," Witter says. "We need to be very cautious and prepare for that event. It may not happen in a person's lifetime, but if it does, it's going to be equivalent to a Katrina-like event."
That doesn't mean we need to live in fear, though.
"Once you get prepared and you know where high ground is, once you've talked to your family about an emergency plan and talked about all those kinds of things, you've done your homework. You don't have to think about it again."
-- Lori Tobias;
Sunday April 19, 2009, 9:32 PM
The bad news: It probably will be sooner than we thought.
"The amount of devastation is going to be unbelievable," says Rob Witter, coastal geologist with the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. "People aren't going to be ready for this. Even if they are prepared, they are going to be surprised by the level of devastation."
Witter spoke last week about the latest in earthquake and tsunami studies -- it's Earthquake and Tsunami Awareness Month -- as part of state and local efforts to educate the public on preparing for a megaquake of magnitude 9 or more. Witter and James Roddey, spokesman for the state agency, also will give a public talk Tuesday in Newport.
Witter says scientists are now in wide agreement that there's a 10 to 14 percent chance a powerful earthquake and tsunami will strike the Oregon coast in the next 50 years.
Why do they think that? The latest findings come from Chris Goldfinger, director of the Active Tectonics and Seafloor Mapping Lab at Oregon State University, Roddey says. But to understand Goldfinger's work, Roddey goes back to what he calls "one of the great scientific detective stories of the 20th century."
Twenty-five years ago, scientists didn't think the Cascadia subduction zone -- a place 50 to 75 miles off Oregon where two of the Earth's plates meet, one sliding under the other -- could produce earthquakes.
That changed after Brian Atwater, a renowned geologist with the U.S. Geological Survey, began in the mid-1980s to study earthquakes, eventually tracing a theory all the way to Japan, Roddey says.
Atwater studied a "ghost forest" -- dead trees in a tidal marsh -- by the Copalis River in Washington, and theorized that a megaquake had killed the cedars. But he needed more evidence.
That came when Japanese researchers published a paper in 1996 about a tsunami that struck Japan on Jan. 27, 1700. Atwater was so intrigued that he learned the language and traveled to Japan.
In 2003, he and a team of Japanese researchers published the book "The Orphan Tsunami" about their theory that the last megaquake struck the Oregon coast Jan. 26, 1700, spawning the tsunami that washed over Japan hours later.
"This was the final puzzle piece that convinced everyone we had the potential for great earthquakes," Roddey says. Work to understand just how great has gone on ever since.
Enter Goldfinger, the OSU researcher. "Chris has been able to go back 10,000 years, and by studying offshore landslides, he found that we've had about 20 of these magnitude9-plus subduction zone earthquakes where the whole 600-mile-long fault ruptures," Roddey says.
Then he found 18 other quakes magnitude8 to 8.5 in the southern part of the subduction zone. "So instead of 20 subduction zone earthquakes, we're up to 38," Roddey says.
And, Witter says, instead of thinking giant quakes occur every 500 years, Goldfinger's work puts the cycle at 300 to 350 years.
"We've almost doubled the probability of these events happening," Roddey says. "It just gives a whole lot more urgency to educate the folks at the coast that, 'Hey, you got to get ready.'"
Native Americans, Roddey says, have known this for centuries. Inhabiting the coast for 10,000 years, they passed stories of big quakes from generation to generation.
"They created a cultural tradition by retelling these events and legends," Roddey says. "We see that around the world. When the Sumatra earthquake struck (the Indian Ocean), the Andaman Islands were right in the middle of the rupture zone. There was huge ground shaking, but very few people died from the tsunami because they had also created this culture of awareness. They went to high ground. They survived the event."
Though the Sumatra and Cascadia subduction zones differ, Witter says, a tsunami here would be much the same.
"The geology and numerical models predict tsunamis could reach as high as 80 to 100 feet in Oregon, which is similar to the tsunami that struck Sumatra," Witter says. "We need to be very cautious and prepare for that event. It may not happen in a person's lifetime, but if it does, it's going to be equivalent to a Katrina-like event."
That doesn't mean we need to live in fear, though.
"Once you get prepared and you know where high ground is, once you've talked to your family about an emergency plan and talked about all those kinds of things, you've done your homework. You don't have to think about it again."
-- Lori Tobias;
Sunday April 19, 2009, 9:32 PM
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Sunspots => Solar Flares => Magnetic Field Shift => Shifting Ocean and Jet Stream Currents => Extreme Weather and Human Disruption (mitch battros)
Sunspots => Solar Flares => Magnetic Field Shift => Shifting Ocean and Jet Stream Currents => Extreme Weather and Human Disruption (mitch battros)
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Larry King and guests talk about one of the MAJOR exopolitical meme's:
Friday, April 17, 2009
When I was a teenager I saw three disks over my head near my home in Mitcham (south london, UK). They crossed the sky in a straight line at a constant velocity. It was before the days of satelites and they were much brighter than them.
I was given 25 years psychiatric treatment for it and much debunking.
Much more recently I saw a daylight disk over my present home in Wimbledon south London UK. It was quite low and I could see detail of a metal cirular structure. There was quite a big rim round the edge that looked like a dish reflector.
I suffered more psychiatric treatment as a result.
By the way, mum, who is 96 and confused by brain damage by a surgon's knife became quite intelligent again this afternoon and said she had been to zeta reticulum when she was young. I understand my Uncle Arthur went as well. They both received intensive psychiatric treatment afterwards. Mum must have thrown the mental block off so they put it on again.
Hitler was reported to have been in contact with aliens too.
She went back again to her demented state this evening and cried. She denyed it when I mentioned it but it was a false denial and said that I should not speak of such things. Then she cried out as if in pain.
When I went on an induction course with the Science Research council I was shown some educational films. One was on the atom bomb and some on britains defences and we were also told that there was governmental contact with the zetas. I was told about the effet of frontal lobe removal and there was a film showing it being carried out on a traitor who had spied. We were also told about the anti-matter bomb we had and experimental matter transmitters and instantaneous secure point to point communication over light years.
Reality is much stranger than fiction or any dream or story I could make up.
4 Mac, 2009 19:46
I was given 25 years psychiatric treatment for it and much debunking.
Much more recently I saw a daylight disk over my present home in Wimbledon south London UK. It was quite low and I could see detail of a metal cirular structure. There was quite a big rim round the edge that looked like a dish reflector.
I suffered more psychiatric treatment as a result.
By the way, mum, who is 96 and confused by brain damage by a surgon's knife became quite intelligent again this afternoon and said she had been to zeta reticulum when she was young. I understand my Uncle Arthur went as well. They both received intensive psychiatric treatment afterwards. Mum must have thrown the mental block off so they put it on again.
Hitler was reported to have been in contact with aliens too.
She went back again to her demented state this evening and cried. She denyed it when I mentioned it but it was a false denial and said that I should not speak of such things. Then she cried out as if in pain.
When I went on an induction course with the Science Research council I was shown some educational films. One was on the atom bomb and some on britains defences and we were also told that there was governmental contact with the zetas. I was told about the effet of frontal lobe removal and there was a film showing it being carried out on a traitor who had spied. We were also told about the anti-matter bomb we had and experimental matter transmitters and instantaneous secure point to point communication over light years.
Reality is much stranger than fiction or any dream or story I could make up.
4 Mac, 2009 19:46
Thursday, April 16, 2009
prepare for the endgame
The Norwegian Politician says:
"There are four years to prepare for the endgame. Get weapons, and
make survival groups, and a place where you can be safe with food for a
time." "…the army will purge the rest of the survivors and they
have a shoot to kill order if there is any resistance to bring them into
the camps where every one will get marked with a number and a tag."
"What I found out was that these bases were Arks for the government
and some of the people and military to survive inside. There was a
threat from outside that was going to be in the year 2012 and that the
human species had to survive.
The 'Planet X' I learned about is from all what I have seen till now.
The government knows this and are keeping it from the public. They have
been tracking this object for a long time now and were given the first
warnings from the USA."
"…before 2012 the different governments are going to leave for the
"…there is something in space that is going to cause much
Henry Deacon says that the South Pole Telescope is tracking the second
[Personally, I think the elite have to be preparing the DUMBs, because
of the Red Kachina prophecy, and not because of "planet X,"
because if astronomers had located an object out there ("second
sun" implies brown dwarf, however, it could also refer to a distant
Red comet coming in our direction), they wouldn't know its exact
size (mass) or trajectory yet and, thus how close it will come to the
earth and what the gravitational effects on the earth would be, however,
they're talking definite cataclysmic destruction and of having to
stay underground for 5 years, which they reasonably speculate must
happen, because of the Hopi prophecy stating that the earth was going to
stop rotating on its axis and then reverse direction to a
"natural" counter clock wise rotation. I think that mention of
the "natural" counter clock wise rotation is what made the idea
credible to the elites. So, those responsible for all the murder &
mayhem on earth are looking to survive the earth changing its rotation
on it axis, which would ordinarily cause every continent to be flooded
with huge tsunamis, as well as shake up the Arctic and Antarctic ice
fields, however, what the elite do not realise is that the earth and all
life therein is going to be subjected to the purifying effects of the
Logos' gaze via the Great Red Light, which will hold everything in
harmonic equilibrium while the earth slowly comes to a halt and,
subsequently, reverses direction to a counter clock wise rotation.
I don't see any "planet X" or "second sun" causing
cyclical damage in the solar system because of the undisturbed asteroid
belt and intelligent design.
My impression was that the elite won't psychologically survive the
affects of the Red Kachina in October of 2014. This is apparently the
time when two Earth's will diverge onto two different futures in two
separate universes, and I don't know what the near future will be
for the old earth, but the new earth will be just fine.
From Tibet:
"In 2012, the world will start plunging into a total destructive
nuclear war. And at that time something remarkable will happen, says,
Buddhist monk of Tibet. Supernatural divine powers will intervene. The
destiny of the world is not to self-destruct at this time."
"Monks also mentioned that beyond 2012 our current civilization
would understand that the final frontier of science and technology is in
area of spirituality and not material physics and chemistry. Beyond
2012, our technologies will take a different direction. People will
learn the essence of spirituality, the relation between body and the
soul, the reincarnation and the fact we are connected with each other
are all part of God". [Important note: The Tibetan Monks do not
mention planet X in 2012].
According to theosophy, the 6th sub-race of the 5th root race
(intuitive/love/wisdom precursor to the 6th root race) is the humanity
that will develop on the new earth after 2012, and it could be about
500,000 years or more before the earth really shakes itself up in order
to birth the new continent upon which the 6th root race (truly
intuitive) will develop.
In love & light!
"There are four years to prepare for the endgame. Get weapons, and
make survival groups, and a place where you can be safe with food for a
time." "…the army will purge the rest of the survivors and they
have a shoot to kill order if there is any resistance to bring them into
the camps where every one will get marked with a number and a tag."
"What I found out was that these bases were Arks for the government
and some of the people and military to survive inside. There was a
threat from outside that was going to be in the year 2012 and that the
human species had to survive.
The 'Planet X' I learned about is from all what I have seen till now.
The government knows this and are keeping it from the public. They have
been tracking this object for a long time now and were given the first
warnings from the USA."
"…before 2012 the different governments are going to leave for the
"…there is something in space that is going to cause much
Henry Deacon says that the South Pole Telescope is tracking the second
[Personally, I think the elite have to be preparing the DUMBs, because
of the Red Kachina prophecy, and not because of "planet X,"
because if astronomers had located an object out there ("second
sun" implies brown dwarf, however, it could also refer to a distant
Red comet coming in our direction), they wouldn't know its exact
size (mass) or trajectory yet and, thus how close it will come to the
earth and what the gravitational effects on the earth would be, however,
they're talking definite cataclysmic destruction and of having to
stay underground for 5 years, which they reasonably speculate must
happen, because of the Hopi prophecy stating that the earth was going to
stop rotating on its axis and then reverse direction to a
"natural" counter clock wise rotation. I think that mention of
the "natural" counter clock wise rotation is what made the idea
credible to the elites. So, those responsible for all the murder &
mayhem on earth are looking to survive the earth changing its rotation
on it axis, which would ordinarily cause every continent to be flooded
with huge tsunamis, as well as shake up the Arctic and Antarctic ice
fields, however, what the elite do not realise is that the earth and all
life therein is going to be subjected to the purifying effects of the
Logos' gaze via the Great Red Light, which will hold everything in
harmonic equilibrium while the earth slowly comes to a halt and,
subsequently, reverses direction to a counter clock wise rotation.
I don't see any "planet X" or "second sun" causing
cyclical damage in the solar system because of the undisturbed asteroid
belt and intelligent design.
My impression was that the elite won't psychologically survive the
affects of the Red Kachina in October of 2014. This is apparently the
time when two Earth's will diverge onto two different futures in two
separate universes, and I don't know what the near future will be
for the old earth, but the new earth will be just fine.
From Tibet:
"In 2012, the world will start plunging into a total destructive
nuclear war. And at that time something remarkable will happen, says,
Buddhist monk of Tibet. Supernatural divine powers will intervene. The
destiny of the world is not to self-destruct at this time."
"Monks also mentioned that beyond 2012 our current civilization
would understand that the final frontier of science and technology is in
area of spirituality and not material physics and chemistry. Beyond
2012, our technologies will take a different direction. People will
learn the essence of spirituality, the relation between body and the
soul, the reincarnation and the fact we are connected with each other
are all part of God". [Important note: The Tibetan Monks do not
mention planet X in 2012].
According to theosophy, the 6th sub-race of the 5th root race
(intuitive/love/wisdom precursor to the 6th root race) is the humanity
that will develop on the new earth after 2012, and it could be about
500,000 years or more before the earth really shakes itself up in order
to birth the new continent upon which the 6th root race (truly
intuitive) will develop.
In love & light!
A GRAPHIC designer claimed that he spotted an unidentified flying object (UFO) circling overhead in Taman Dato’ Onn, Larkin in Johor at 10pm on Thursday, reported Kosmo!.
Mohd Zamri Zain, 30, said the UFO was seen for a few hours before it disappeared into the clouds.
He added that the lit object had appeared a few times since early March and was initially seen by his brother Zaid Zain, 43.
He recorded the UFO’s movements with his digital camera and did not believe the object was a laser light or reflection from an aeroplane.
“This is because it would be impossible to see it when the clouds covered the sky,” he said.
When the images from his camera were enlarged on his computer, Mohd Zamri claimed that white and green lights could be seen clearly on the object.
> A 19-year-old student became blind in one eye when he was hit by a tear-gas canister fired during a riot by football fans outside the Sultan Muhammad IV stadium in Kota Baru on Tuesday.
Sinar Harian reported that the incident occurred when Muhammad Huzaifah Mohd Noor was arranging items at the drinks stall owned by his cousin Abdul Rahman Hussein, 48.
“I saw the teargas canisters coming towards us and managed to avoid them but Muhammad Huzaifah was unable to do so,” Abdul Rahman said.
He signalled Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) personnel to stop firing and rushed his cousin to hospital.
Muhammad Huzaifah, who studies at the Pengkalan Chepa Industrial Training Institute, said he no longer had any hopes to continue his studies given his current condition.
Other News & Views is compiled from the vernacular newspapers (Bahasa Malaysia, Chinese and Tamil dailies). As such, stories are grouped according to the respective language/medium. Where a paragraph begins with a sub-heading, it denotes a separate news item.
Mohd Zamri Zain, 30, said the UFO was seen for a few hours before it disappeared into the clouds.
He added that the lit object had appeared a few times since early March and was initially seen by his brother Zaid Zain, 43.
He recorded the UFO’s movements with his digital camera and did not believe the object was a laser light or reflection from an aeroplane.
“This is because it would be impossible to see it when the clouds covered the sky,” he said.
When the images from his camera were enlarged on his computer, Mohd Zamri claimed that white and green lights could be seen clearly on the object.
> A 19-year-old student became blind in one eye when he was hit by a tear-gas canister fired during a riot by football fans outside the Sultan Muhammad IV stadium in Kota Baru on Tuesday.
Sinar Harian reported that the incident occurred when Muhammad Huzaifah Mohd Noor was arranging items at the drinks stall owned by his cousin Abdul Rahman Hussein, 48.
“I saw the teargas canisters coming towards us and managed to avoid them but Muhammad Huzaifah was unable to do so,” Abdul Rahman said.
He signalled Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) personnel to stop firing and rushed his cousin to hospital.
Muhammad Huzaifah, who studies at the Pengkalan Chepa Industrial Training Institute, said he no longer had any hopes to continue his studies given his current condition.
Other News & Views is compiled from the vernacular newspapers (Bahasa Malaysia, Chinese and Tamil dailies). As such, stories are grouped according to the respective language/medium. Where a paragraph begins with a sub-heading, it denotes a separate news item.
Angkasa gagal kupas misteri 'UFO' di Larkin
Oleh Mohamed Farid Noh
Agensi sah objek berkilauan hijau, putih bukan lampu limpah
KUALA LUMPUR: Agensi Angkasa Negara (Angkasa) mengesahkan objek bercahaya hijau dan putih di ruang udara Larkin, Johor Bahru, baru-baru ini, bukan cahaya lampu limpah berkuasa tinggi yang dipancarkan ke langit dan tidak menolak kemungkinan objek itu tidak dapat dijelaskan buat masa ini.
Ketua Pengarahnya, Dr Mustafa Din Subari, berkata jika cahaya di ruang udara itu daripada lampu limpah, biasan cahayanya di langit pasti dapat dilihat menerusi rakaman video berkenaan.
Beliau berkata, pihaknya juga tidak dapat menidakkan dakwaan penduduk objek berkenaan adalah pesawat makhluk asing atau Objek Terbang Tidak Dikenali (UFO) tanpa sebarang bukti nyata.
"Angkasa tiada bukti untuk menidakkan dakwaan penduduk terbabit apatah lagi objek berkenaan tidak muncul lagi di kawasan terbabit selepas ia dilaporkan media. Ini menyukarkan kajian terperinci dibuat.
"Apa yang pasti, berdasarkan analisis rakaman video penduduk, objek bercahaya itu bukan cahaya lampu limpah. Namun, kami juga tidak dapat mengesahkan sama ada objek bercahaya berkenaan adalah cahaya daripada objek di bumi atau bukan.
"Visual rakaman tidak jelas menyebabkan sukar untuk kita membuat kesimpulan. Tetapi, kita tidak menolak kemungkinan objek berkenaan adalah unsur yang tidak mampu dijelaskan buat masa ini," katanya ketika dihubungi semalam.
Khamis lalu, Berita Harian melaporkan beberapa objek bercahaya hijau dan putih di langit didakwa sebagai UFO, kelihatan berlegar-legar di ruang udara Larkin di Johor sehingga menggemparkan sebahagian penduduk di situ sejak beberapa hari lalu.
Pengurus perhubungan awam sebuah institusi pengajian tinggi, Zaid Zain, 43, serta adiknya, Zamri, 30, yang menyedari keganjilan objek itu berjaya merakam objek bercahaya berkenaan menggunakan kamera digital.
Jabatan Penerbangan Awam (DCA) dilaporkan turut menafikan kemungkinan objek itu adalah pesawat peninjau tanpa pemandu (UAV) negara jiran yang menceroboh ruang udara negara ini kerana radar jabatan itu mampu mengesan objek di udara yang saiznya enam meter panjang atau lebar.
Dr Mustafa berkata, selain menganalisis video itu, Angkasa melakukan beberapa penyiasatan, termasuk menemuramah saksi buat rakaman visual berkenaan.
Katanya, Angkasa akan merekodkan kejadian berkenaan sebagai satu penemuan objek kajian dan akan turun ke lokasi kejadian jika ada laporan kejadian sama dilaporkan penduduk.
Agensi sah objek berkilauan hijau, putih bukan lampu limpah
KUALA LUMPUR: Agensi Angkasa Negara (Angkasa) mengesahkan objek bercahaya hijau dan putih di ruang udara Larkin, Johor Bahru, baru-baru ini, bukan cahaya lampu limpah berkuasa tinggi yang dipancarkan ke langit dan tidak menolak kemungkinan objek itu tidak dapat dijelaskan buat masa ini.
Ketua Pengarahnya, Dr Mustafa Din Subari, berkata jika cahaya di ruang udara itu daripada lampu limpah, biasan cahayanya di langit pasti dapat dilihat menerusi rakaman video berkenaan.
Beliau berkata, pihaknya juga tidak dapat menidakkan dakwaan penduduk objek berkenaan adalah pesawat makhluk asing atau Objek Terbang Tidak Dikenali (UFO) tanpa sebarang bukti nyata.
"Angkasa tiada bukti untuk menidakkan dakwaan penduduk terbabit apatah lagi objek berkenaan tidak muncul lagi di kawasan terbabit selepas ia dilaporkan media. Ini menyukarkan kajian terperinci dibuat.
"Apa yang pasti, berdasarkan analisis rakaman video penduduk, objek bercahaya itu bukan cahaya lampu limpah. Namun, kami juga tidak dapat mengesahkan sama ada objek bercahaya berkenaan adalah cahaya daripada objek di bumi atau bukan.
"Visual rakaman tidak jelas menyebabkan sukar untuk kita membuat kesimpulan. Tetapi, kita tidak menolak kemungkinan objek berkenaan adalah unsur yang tidak mampu dijelaskan buat masa ini," katanya ketika dihubungi semalam.
Khamis lalu, Berita Harian melaporkan beberapa objek bercahaya hijau dan putih di langit didakwa sebagai UFO, kelihatan berlegar-legar di ruang udara Larkin di Johor sehingga menggemparkan sebahagian penduduk di situ sejak beberapa hari lalu.
Pengurus perhubungan awam sebuah institusi pengajian tinggi, Zaid Zain, 43, serta adiknya, Zamri, 30, yang menyedari keganjilan objek itu berjaya merakam objek bercahaya berkenaan menggunakan kamera digital.
Jabatan Penerbangan Awam (DCA) dilaporkan turut menafikan kemungkinan objek itu adalah pesawat peninjau tanpa pemandu (UAV) negara jiran yang menceroboh ruang udara negara ini kerana radar jabatan itu mampu mengesan objek di udara yang saiznya enam meter panjang atau lebar.
Dr Mustafa berkata, selain menganalisis video itu, Angkasa melakukan beberapa penyiasatan, termasuk menemuramah saksi buat rakaman visual berkenaan.
Katanya, Angkasa akan merekodkan kejadian berkenaan sebagai satu penemuan objek kajian dan akan turun ke lokasi kejadian jika ada laporan kejadian sama dilaporkan penduduk.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
ufo in gunung jerai, kedah,malaysia ON 2006

OBJEK yang didakwa UFO (dalam bulatan) dirakam seorang pelancong Australia ketika mengambil gambar permandangan Gunung Jerai di Kedah, pada 2006.
UFO seen in Cheras, Malaysia on March 2nd 2009 11.13PM never vybrite
Ufo that never vybrite
UFO seen in Cheras, Malaysia on March 2nd 2009 11.13PM
I am not sure whether this videos are true or not.
I just post them here.
UFO seen in Cheras, Malaysia on March 2nd 2009 11.13PM
I am not sure whether this videos are true or not.
I just post them here.
UFo in larkin,Johor,malaysia
took on Wednesday night, 8th April 2009
Mohd Zamri Zain, 30, said the UFO was seen for a few hours before it disappeared into the clouds.
He added that the lit object had appeared a few times since early March and was initially seen by his brother Zaid Zain, 43.
He recorded the UFO’s movements with his digital camera and did not believe the object was a laser light or reflection from an aeroplane.
"This is because it would be impossible to see it when the clouds covered the sky,” he said.
When the images from his camera were enlarged on his computer, Mohd Zamri claimed that white and green lights could be seen clearly on the object.
Unfortunately he did not manage to record any actual video footage of the UFO, as he commented after being queried by a Youtube viewer that he “tried to (take videos of the UFO) but it was too far away to record it clearly” thus only darkness was captured on video recording and “this is the best I (he) can get with a DSLR camera” and he also apologized for any disappointment with the Youtube video that was posted on the net by him in which most viewers was anticipating that it was a real video instead of just slides of the pictures taken.Pictures and videos from Mr Mohd Zamri Zain Trust No One!!! Blog More pictures and newspaper clippings (Malay language only) Zamri Zain's Photos - Sighting !!!
The Malaysian authorities are also taking interest in this particular UFO sighting.
Malaysia’s Department of Civil Aviation (DCA) would soon be analyzing the video recordings of the supposed UFO sightings described by the residents as illumating green and white objects in the air space of Larkin, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Source : Berita Harian Online (with English translation)
The spokesperson of DCA also further mentioned that they are willing to collaborate with any interested parties to validate on the authenticity of the sightings.
"So far, we (DCA) did not receive any official report on the existence of UFO in the skies over Larkin , Johor Bahru. Available radars in Johor Bahru with the capability of tracing objects in range of 80 square kilometer did not trace any plane or object flying across the skies on the day that the UFO was reported to be seen" continued the DCA spokesperson.
He also denied the possibility that the UFO are intrusions of Unmanned-aircraft vehicles (UAVs) from neighbouring countries. "I don’t think it was UAVs because our radars are capable of scanning airborne objects with a minimum size of six metres long or wide. We are able to identify if it was a plane from a neighboring country that was in our air space illegally” the DCA spokesperson further mentioned.
Another authority figure, Malaysia’s Space Agency, is also looking into this phenomenon. The Director, Dr Mustafa religion Subari, say that the Agency is prepared to initiate an intensive observation of the UFO but so far no special attention is given to the existence of UFO spotted in the country.
"currently we do not have any Special Unit to study local UFO spotted. We would just take note of any sightings reported.
"normally , if the UFO is close range and causes negative effects to the residents such as radiation, we will go to designated location to do comprehensive study on the UFO and witnesses involved," said the Director of Malaysia’s Space Agency.
He states that there were also other accounted sightings on local UFOs in several parts of the country, however there was a lack of credible proof or witnesses to authentic the reported phenomena. He further noted that "It is possible that the UFO spotted were actually laser-like lightings emitted from entertainment areas or lanterns released to the skies".
But this is not the first startling UFO sighting in Malaysia. Back in the mid nineties, it was reported that a UFO was said to have been sighted at least four times since September 1995 above forests at the Tanjung Sepat Laut village, south of the capital city Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Source : UFO Evidence
Malaysians who claimed to have seen the spaceship said it was as big as a football field and several stories high. They said it was encircled by flashing red, orange and green lights. No one has managed to take a photograph of the spaceship or the 60 centimetre (about two feet) tall aliens, the newspaper report said. One villager, among the hundreds who turned up on Tuesday in the hope of catching the spaceship, said he first thought the object was a low-flying airplane. "However, the same object returned a few days later, whizzed past the village and stopped about a kilometre (half a mile) away where it hovered about 100 metres in the air before disappearing again," he said. The Malaysian Air Force has dismissed the alleged sightings.
"We have seen nothing on our air defence screens to indicate a UFO had violated Malaysian airspace," the New Straits Times quoted air force's deputy chief Major General Ahmad Saruji Che Rus as saying. Malaysia's Space Science Studies Division, Mazlan Othman, said the sightings may have been hallucinations. "Sights of faraway planets or stars glowing in the dark could be misconstrued as UFOs," the local New Straits Times quoted her as saying. Perhaps the Malaysian Government did try to conceal as much as they could until it is no longer possible. We know now that had 'China' already leaked its Area 51 information. Could it be that Malaysia too has an Area 51 that is still a well kept secret?
Monday, April 13, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Mysterious East Coast Boom Was Falling Russian Rocket
The mysterious boom and flash of light seen over parts of Virginia Sunday night was not a meteor, but actually exploding space junk from the second stage of a Russian Soyuz rocket falling back to Earth, according to an official with the U.S. Naval Observatory.
"I'm pretty convinced that what these folks saw was the second stage of the Soyuz rocket that launched the crew up to the space station," said Jeff Chester of the Naval Observatory in Washington, D.C.
Residents of the areas around Norfolk and Virginia Beach, Va., began calling 911 last night with reports of hearing a loud boom and seeing a streak of light that lit up the sky, according to news reports.
Chester heard about the incident this morning; the Naval Observatory gets plenty of reports of such fireballs and Chester investigated whether it could be a meteor or whether there were "any potential decays of space junk that were coming up," he told
He checked the listing for debris that were expected to enter the lower atmosphere from their decaying orbits around this time period and found that second stage of the Soyuz rocket that launched last Thursday was slated to hit during a window that started at 8 p.m. last night.
The Russian-built Soyuz rocket lifted off Thursday from the Central Asian spaceport of Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan to launch a new crew and American billionaire Charles Simonyi - the world's first two-time space tourist - to the International Space Station. The spaceflyers arrived at the space station on Saturday.
Chester ran a satellite tracking program that showed that the rocket debris should have come down exactly in the area where the fireball was spotted.
"This is just too much of a coincidence to be coincidence," he said.
Chester said that U.S. Space Surveillance Network had not yet confirmed that this was the case, but said that he was "99 and four one-hundredths [percent] convinced that this is what it is."
The descriptions of the boom and streak of light reported by local residents were "entirely consistent with re-entering space junk, especially something this big," Chester said.
Delta airline pilot Bryce Debban reported seeing the streak of light on a flight from Boston to Raleigh-Durham when his plane was about 31,000 feet in the air.
"We saw it streak across the sky and then blow up," Debban told "It was brighter than the full moon. It lit up the cockpit as if it were daylight."
James Zimbelman of the Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum's Center for Earth and Planetary Sciences said that the explosion being caused by a re-entering rocket was very plausible. It "sounds all too reasonable," he said.
(((((Andrea Thompson
Senior Writer andrea Thompson
senior Writer – Mon Mar 30, 2:52 pm ET)))))))
A rocket stage would fragment and explode "just as if it were a meteorite," he said. And the size of the rocket would explain why the explosion was seen over so wide an area.
The Soyuz rockets jettison their second stage after entering orbit in such a way that the second stage will slowly fall back to earth in a few days. But "you can control precisely where these things are going to come down," Chester said.
It's possible that some fragments of the rocket made it to the Earth's surface, but they would likely have a couple of hundreds of miles east of Cape Hatteras, Chester said.
"I don't think anybody will find anything on land," he said.
"I'm pretty convinced that what these folks saw was the second stage of the Soyuz rocket that launched the crew up to the space station," said Jeff Chester of the Naval Observatory in Washington, D.C.
Residents of the areas around Norfolk and Virginia Beach, Va., began calling 911 last night with reports of hearing a loud boom and seeing a streak of light that lit up the sky, according to news reports.
Chester heard about the incident this morning; the Naval Observatory gets plenty of reports of such fireballs and Chester investigated whether it could be a meteor or whether there were "any potential decays of space junk that were coming up," he told
He checked the listing for debris that were expected to enter the lower atmosphere from their decaying orbits around this time period and found that second stage of the Soyuz rocket that launched last Thursday was slated to hit during a window that started at 8 p.m. last night.
The Russian-built Soyuz rocket lifted off Thursday from the Central Asian spaceport of Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan to launch a new crew and American billionaire Charles Simonyi - the world's first two-time space tourist - to the International Space Station. The spaceflyers arrived at the space station on Saturday.
Chester ran a satellite tracking program that showed that the rocket debris should have come down exactly in the area where the fireball was spotted.
"This is just too much of a coincidence to be coincidence," he said.
Chester said that U.S. Space Surveillance Network had not yet confirmed that this was the case, but said that he was "99 and four one-hundredths [percent] convinced that this is what it is."
The descriptions of the boom and streak of light reported by local residents were "entirely consistent with re-entering space junk, especially something this big," Chester said.
Delta airline pilot Bryce Debban reported seeing the streak of light on a flight from Boston to Raleigh-Durham when his plane was about 31,000 feet in the air.
"We saw it streak across the sky and then blow up," Debban told "It was brighter than the full moon. It lit up the cockpit as if it were daylight."
James Zimbelman of the Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum's Center for Earth and Planetary Sciences said that the explosion being caused by a re-entering rocket was very plausible. It "sounds all too reasonable," he said.
(((((Andrea Thompson
Senior Writer andrea Thompson
senior Writer – Mon Mar 30, 2:52 pm ET)))))))
A rocket stage would fragment and explode "just as if it were a meteorite," he said. And the size of the rocket would explain why the explosion was seen over so wide an area.
The Soyuz rockets jettison their second stage after entering orbit in such a way that the second stage will slowly fall back to earth in a few days. But "you can control precisely where these things are going to come down," Chester said.
It's possible that some fragments of the rocket made it to the Earth's surface, but they would likely have a couple of hundreds of miles east of Cape Hatteras, Chester said.
"I don't think anybody will find anything on land," he said.
The McPhearson UFO Footage -Banned
The McPherson banned UFO footage. You decide for yourself if it's real or not. Real or not this whole thing is going to blow up soon. They can't keep a lid on it any longer.
Stargates In Iraq - WOWWWW
It has been theorized by many credible sources that there are Stargates buried in the sands of Iraq. According to popular beliefs, Iraq was once "The Garden of Eden". Iraq also marks the home of the ancient Sumerians who held strong extraterrestrial beliefs relating to interdimensional travel and may indeed hold the key to human creation. Many great names have came forward and proclaimed that the US Government not only knows about these Stargates, but are in pursuit to acquire them. Dan Burisch, an area 51 (S4) worker, claims that a stargate in Iraq actually does exist, and confirms the accusations that the Iraq war is a cover for the "fight for the stargate".
Zecharia Sitchin
Zecharia Sitchin, author of "The 12th Planet" has been studying ancient Sumerian text for many years and claims to have an accurate interpretation of how the Sumerians believed humanity came to exist on planet Earth. According to Sitchin's studies, a superior race of beings once inhabited this world. Travelers from other worlds arrived eons ago and planted the seed that would later blossom into a remarkable race.
The Annunaki (The Gods From The Sky) placed a Stargate on our planet for instantaneous transportation of humans to communicate peacefully with other worlds. The Annunaki hoping that the Earthlings intentions were pure and goodhearted left this in control of the civil heads of government in Uruk, the city also possessed airstrips for the landing of levitation craft for Alien craft. The mass amount of western interest in this area including Egypt have led to many crazy conspiracy theories, but if you disregard all the fallacies in those theories, you come out with the truth.
Zecharia Sitchin
Zecharia Sitchin, author of "The 12th Planet" has been studying ancient Sumerian text for many years and claims to have an accurate interpretation of how the Sumerians believed humanity came to exist on planet Earth. According to Sitchin's studies, a superior race of beings once inhabited this world. Travelers from other worlds arrived eons ago and planted the seed that would later blossom into a remarkable race.
The Annunaki (The Gods From The Sky) placed a Stargate on our planet for instantaneous transportation of humans to communicate peacefully with other worlds. The Annunaki hoping that the Earthlings intentions were pure and goodhearted left this in control of the civil heads of government in Uruk, the city also possessed airstrips for the landing of levitation craft for Alien craft. The mass amount of western interest in this area including Egypt have led to many crazy conspiracy theories, but if you disregard all the fallacies in those theories, you come out with the truth.
Lights In Phoenix Valley Unexplained 4/21/08
On Monday night, (4/21/08) many people reported seeing strange light formations in the skies of Phoenix Arizona in an area referred to as "The Valley".
According to witnesses, the lights formed a vertical line, then spread apart and made a diamond shape. The lights also formed a U-shape at one time.
Tony Toporek video taped the lights. He was talking to neighbors at 8 p.m. when the lights appeared. He went and grabbed his camera to get the lights on video.

The FAA, Sky Harbor, Luke Air Force Base, and the Phoenix Police Department were contacted by local news agencies, and none of the contacts could explain the occurrence or provide any explanation as to what the lights were.
Phoenix has been a "UFO Hotspot" in the past. The legendary "Phoenix Lights", which still causes much controversy, and more recently "The return of the Phoenix Lights".
This story is still developing and information is currently scarce. Hang tight as continues to provide updates on the unusual case.
According to witnesses, the lights formed a vertical line, then spread apart and made a diamond shape. The lights also formed a U-shape at one time.
Tony Toporek video taped the lights. He was talking to neighbors at 8 p.m. when the lights appeared. He went and grabbed his camera to get the lights on video.

The FAA, Sky Harbor, Luke Air Force Base, and the Phoenix Police Department were contacted by local news agencies, and none of the contacts could explain the occurrence or provide any explanation as to what the lights were.
Phoenix has been a "UFO Hotspot" in the past. The legendary "Phoenix Lights", which still causes much controversy, and more recently "The return of the Phoenix Lights".
This story is still developing and information is currently scarce. Hang tight as continues to provide updates on the unusual case.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
7 pyramids on the African island of Mauritius
in construction, they are identical to the ones found on the island of Tenerife, an island on the opposite side of the continent. It underlines the likelihood that one civilisation sailed to various islands off the coast of Africa and constructed these structures.
Map of MauritiusThe island of Mauritius is part of the Mascarene Islands and is in the Indian Ocean, about 900 kilometres (560 miles) east of Madagascar. The island is 61 km long and 47 km wide, and sits just north of the Tropic of Capricorn. In origin, it is a volcanic island. The historical record shows that the island was known to Arab and Austronesian sailors as early as the 10th century; Portuguese sailors first visited in 1507. Mauritius was first plotted on a map in 1502, made by the Italian Alberto Cantino. The Arabs called the island Dina Harobi, while the planisphere identifies all three Mascarene islands (Reunion, Mauritius and Rodrigues) and calls them Dina Margabin, Dina Harobi and Dina Morare.
It is suspected that prior to the Arabs, Mauritius was known to certain people living on the African shores, as well as the famous Sea Peoples, a confederacy of seafaring raiders, which included the proto-Phoenicians. The Greek account of Periplus relates the story of Hanno (Hannan), the Carthaginian navigator, who lived in the 5th century BC, and who traversed the Straits of Gibraltar at the command of ships that would explore the African coastline along the Atlantic Ocean. Herodotus describes a Phoenician expedition leaving the Red Sea and traversing the “sea of the south”, and, following the orders of the Egyptian Pharaoh Necho II (610-595 BC), entered back into the Mediterranean Sea through the Straits of Gibraltar, which means they circumnavigated Africa.
The seven small pyramids that have been identified are located on the south side of the island, in a plain known as Whillem, between the Indian Ocean and Creole Mountain and Lion Mountain, at 20°26’.8.15”S and 57° 39’2.60”E. Their foundation is rectangular and in height, they do not exceed twelve metres; they have between 6 and 11 terraces. In appearance, they are similar to the pyramids located on another volcanic island off the – western – coast of Africa, Tenerife; similar structures also exist on the Mediterranean island of Sicily, which is also volcanic in origin.
There are many parallels between the pyramids of Mauritius and Tenerife. On both island, the pyramids are part of a complex: a series of pyramids grouped together in one location. On both islands, the pyramids are made from lava stone and the construction does not use any mortar or other connecting agent. Some of the structures on Mauritius have been partially dismantled, with the stones remployed nearby. In one coating of basalt rollers, there can be found limestone blocks underneath, no doubt of coral origin.
The Tenerife pyramids equally do not surpass 12 metres in height, and detailed photographs of the terracing makes it clear that one cannot distinguish whether one is observing a pyramid on Tenerife or Mauritius. In the case of “Mauritius Pyramid 1”, access to the upper platform is via a central staircase. This has been restored in a whiter stone, and is therefore more visible. Not all pyramids have such an access – again on par with their Tenerife cousins. It suggests that there is a commonality between the two islands that is beyond the coincidental.
Some of the Mauritius pyramids, with their platforms, could have been used for astronomical observations. This too would be on par with Tenerife, specifically at the Guimar complex. If this correlation were to apply to the Mauritius pyramids, these pyramids should be aligned to solar phenomena, and specifically the terraces associated with the pyramids should be aligned to the two solstices. Initial calculations suggest that this is indeed the case, though on-site verification needs to occur. Specifically Mauritius Pyramid 2 is likely to be aligned to the summer solstice (which in the Southern hemisphere occurs on December 21) and one should be able to observe a double sunset. The first sunset would occur behind the Creole Mountain, the second behind the neighbouring Lion Mountain. A double sunset behind a mountainous horizon is also a phenomenon observed at the Guimar complex in Tenerife.
Experienced, the people claim these pyramids are merely stone piles, thrown together in efforts to clear the fields for growing sugar cane. Even the dismissals are therefore shared with those of Tenerife, where other complexes on the island (e.g. Icod de los Vinos) are equally labelled by locals as the result of farmers clearing their fields from unwanted stones. If this were true, the question is why some of the pyramids on Mauritius still have official panels, dating from the first half of the 20th century, which identifies the site as a protected site of historic interest? Remarkably, however, since, the site has lost its protected status, no doubt the consequence of a change in government (Mauritius was under British rule until 1968). It is clear that those dismissing these pyramids as “piles of stones” are afraid to see their agricultural lands repossessed, or having to conform to certain regulations that come with protected archaeological sites. It is nevertheless clear that with proper help, the government should be able to highlight the economic benefits of tourism to the local economy, which will hopefully result in scientific research carried out on the site.
The man responsible for the identification and promotion of the Guimar complex was Thor Heyerdahl, a pioneering sailor of Norwegian origin, who argued that our distant ancestors were able to navigate the oceans and organised various expeditions to prove his point. Heyerdahl found a pyramid in the Maldives, on Gan. This pyramid was aligned to the sun and measures 8.5 metres in height. It was baptised “Hawittas”. Heyerdahl argued that the Maldives were located on an Eastern maritime trading route that was used by various ancient civilisations, coming from the Middle East.
The ancient Egyptians used the Phoenician fleet to carry out expeditions, and it is known that the Phoenicians constructed astronomical temples that were perfectly aligned to the cardinal points and solar phenomena. With the discovery of identical pyramid complexes on Tenerife, Sicily and now Mauritius, it is clear that these are remnants of a seafaring culture, which has left traces on islands on various sides of the African continent.

Map of MauritiusThe island of Mauritius is part of the Mascarene Islands and is in the Indian Ocean, about 900 kilometres (560 miles) east of Madagascar. The island is 61 km long and 47 km wide, and sits just north of the Tropic of Capricorn. In origin, it is a volcanic island. The historical record shows that the island was known to Arab and Austronesian sailors as early as the 10th century; Portuguese sailors first visited in 1507. Mauritius was first plotted on a map in 1502, made by the Italian Alberto Cantino. The Arabs called the island Dina Harobi, while the planisphere identifies all three Mascarene islands (Reunion, Mauritius and Rodrigues) and calls them Dina Margabin, Dina Harobi and Dina Morare.
It is suspected that prior to the Arabs, Mauritius was known to certain people living on the African shores, as well as the famous Sea Peoples, a confederacy of seafaring raiders, which included the proto-Phoenicians. The Greek account of Periplus relates the story of Hanno (Hannan), the Carthaginian navigator, who lived in the 5th century BC, and who traversed the Straits of Gibraltar at the command of ships that would explore the African coastline along the Atlantic Ocean. Herodotus describes a Phoenician expedition leaving the Red Sea and traversing the “sea of the south”, and, following the orders of the Egyptian Pharaoh Necho II (610-595 BC), entered back into the Mediterranean Sea through the Straits of Gibraltar, which means they circumnavigated Africa.
The seven small pyramids that have been identified are located on the south side of the island, in a plain known as Whillem, between the Indian Ocean and Creole Mountain and Lion Mountain, at 20°26’.8.15”S and 57° 39’2.60”E. Their foundation is rectangular and in height, they do not exceed twelve metres; they have between 6 and 11 terraces. In appearance, they are similar to the pyramids located on another volcanic island off the – western – coast of Africa, Tenerife; similar structures also exist on the Mediterranean island of Sicily, which is also volcanic in origin.
There are many parallels between the pyramids of Mauritius and Tenerife. On both island, the pyramids are part of a complex: a series of pyramids grouped together in one location. On both islands, the pyramids are made from lava stone and the construction does not use any mortar or other connecting agent. Some of the structures on Mauritius have been partially dismantled, with the stones remployed nearby. In one coating of basalt rollers, there can be found limestone blocks underneath, no doubt of coral origin.
The Tenerife pyramids equally do not surpass 12 metres in height, and detailed photographs of the terracing makes it clear that one cannot distinguish whether one is observing a pyramid on Tenerife or Mauritius. In the case of “Mauritius Pyramid 1”, access to the upper platform is via a central staircase. This has been restored in a whiter stone, and is therefore more visible. Not all pyramids have such an access – again on par with their Tenerife cousins. It suggests that there is a commonality between the two islands that is beyond the coincidental.
Some of the Mauritius pyramids, with their platforms, could have been used for astronomical observations. This too would be on par with Tenerife, specifically at the Guimar complex. If this correlation were to apply to the Mauritius pyramids, these pyramids should be aligned to solar phenomena, and specifically the terraces associated with the pyramids should be aligned to the two solstices. Initial calculations suggest that this is indeed the case, though on-site verification needs to occur. Specifically Mauritius Pyramid 2 is likely to be aligned to the summer solstice (which in the Southern hemisphere occurs on December 21) and one should be able to observe a double sunset. The first sunset would occur behind the Creole Mountain, the second behind the neighbouring Lion Mountain. A double sunset behind a mountainous horizon is also a phenomenon observed at the Guimar complex in Tenerife.
Experienced, the people claim these pyramids are merely stone piles, thrown together in efforts to clear the fields for growing sugar cane. Even the dismissals are therefore shared with those of Tenerife, where other complexes on the island (e.g. Icod de los Vinos) are equally labelled by locals as the result of farmers clearing their fields from unwanted stones. If this were true, the question is why some of the pyramids on Mauritius still have official panels, dating from the first half of the 20th century, which identifies the site as a protected site of historic interest? Remarkably, however, since, the site has lost its protected status, no doubt the consequence of a change in government (Mauritius was under British rule until 1968). It is clear that those dismissing these pyramids as “piles of stones” are afraid to see their agricultural lands repossessed, or having to conform to certain regulations that come with protected archaeological sites. It is nevertheless clear that with proper help, the government should be able to highlight the economic benefits of tourism to the local economy, which will hopefully result in scientific research carried out on the site.
The man responsible for the identification and promotion of the Guimar complex was Thor Heyerdahl, a pioneering sailor of Norwegian origin, who argued that our distant ancestors were able to navigate the oceans and organised various expeditions to prove his point. Heyerdahl found a pyramid in the Maldives, on Gan. This pyramid was aligned to the sun and measures 8.5 metres in height. It was baptised “Hawittas”. Heyerdahl argued that the Maldives were located on an Eastern maritime trading route that was used by various ancient civilisations, coming from the Middle East.
The ancient Egyptians used the Phoenician fleet to carry out expeditions, and it is known that the Phoenicians constructed astronomical temples that were perfectly aligned to the cardinal points and solar phenomena. With the discovery of identical pyramid complexes on Tenerife, Sicily and now Mauritius, it is clear that these are remnants of a seafaring culture, which has left traces on islands on various sides of the African continent.
‘Independence Day’ or ‘War of the Worlds’ occurred in the Chinese city of Guangzhou.
At around 10:30PM On August 6 2003 an incredible event reminiscent of a scene from ‘Independence Day’ or ‘War of the Worlds’ occurred in the Chinese city of Guangzhou.
A huge mothership or even ‘flying city’ was seen by thousands of residents. The city-sized craft was clearly seen just above a thin layer of cloud. It was emitting green fluorescent light, pulsating and its energy lines were burning contours in the cloud.
Terrified witnesses ran for cover, amazed onlookers watched in awe and commuters literally stoped their cars in the middle of the roads to gaze upwards. Students frantically climbed up buildings to gain a closer look and reporters, hearts pounding, scrambled for photos.
The UFO hovered over the city for at least three hours and finally took off at a speed estimated by a journalist who witnessed the craft at ‘ten times that of a plane’. Airport authorities were contacted but alleged to have picked up nothing on their radars and no aircraft were above the city that night.
The chief forecaster at the Guangdong Province Meteorological Station went on record stating that the entire event was little more than an optical illusion based on city lights reflecting against clouds.
Witnesses, thousands of them, to this day claim that is simply impossible and utterly absurd: it is common knowledge in Guangzhou that in 2003 an alien spacecraft popped in to say ‘Hi.’
Chinese media initially covered the event and then went quite as if commanded to do so: One article from the Government agency can be viewed here
None of this was reported in the West at all and some local Ufologists believe that Western Governments viewed this event as ‘too hot’ and better hushed up. Reports and photos (such as the amazing one below) are all that is left of the event, however the wizened residents of Guangzhou now know they are not alone in this universe and will never forget that earth shattering night back in 2003
At around 10:30PM On August 6 2003 an incredible event reminiscent of a scene from ‘Independence Day’ or ‘War of the Worlds’ occurred in the Chinese city of Guangzhou.
A huge mothership or even ‘flying city’ was seen by thousands of residents. The city-sized craft was clearly seen just above a thin layer of cloud. It was emitting green fluorescent light, pulsating and its energy lines were burning contours in the cloud.
Terrified witnesses ran for cover, amazed onlookers watched in awe and commuters literally stoped their cars in the middle of the roads to gaze upwards. Students frantically climbed up buildings to gain a closer look and reporters, hearts pounding, scrambled for photos.
The UFO hovered over the city for at least three hours and finally took off at a speed estimated by a journalist who witnessed the craft at ‘ten times that of a plane’. Airport authorities were contacted but alleged to have picked up nothing on their radars and no aircraft were above the city that night.
The chief forecaster at the Guangdong Province Meteorological Station went on record stating that the entire event was little more than an optical illusion based on city lights reflecting against clouds.
Witnesses, thousands of them, to this day claim that is simply impossible and utterly absurd: it is common knowledge in Guangzhou that in 2003 an alien spacecraft popped in to say ‘Hi.’
Chinese media initially covered the event and then went quite as if commanded to do so: One article from the Government agency can be viewed here
None of this was reported in the West at all and some local Ufologists believe that Western Governments viewed this event as ‘too hot’ and better hushed up. Reports and photos (such as the amazing one below) are all that is left of the event, however the wizened residents of Guangzhou now know they are not alone in this universe and will never forget that earth shattering night back in 2003
Stonehenge Can Be Builde By One Person...
this video are best ever seen tell about manufacture and move of Stonehenge..
Still doesn't explain the pyramids.
Stonehendge is easy, Giza not so much.
Building Stonehenge - This Man can Move Anything
Still doesn't explain the pyramids.
Stonehendge is easy, Giza not so much.
Building Stonehenge - This Man can Move Anything
Monday, April 6, 2009
star Cygnus + Maya calendar
contains a very unique binary star system in terms of our current
understanding of the Universe. Cygnus X-3 is sometimes referred to as a
neutron star or even a quark star, but nobody is quite sure what it is.
What they do know is it is about the third most luminous star in our
galaxy and the only known emitter of what seems to be 5th dimensional
particles currently named ‘Cygnets’. These have the impossible feature
of reaching earth at light speed and penetrating deep into underground
caverns. We have no explanation that can be considered fully
comprehensible other than higher dimensional energy effects!
kept on finding the Swan and Cygnus coming up, even in Lascoux caves there is a
17,000 year old painting of the constellation. He further discovered
from scientists there was evidence of a high energy cosmic events
around 35,000 years ago, largely discovered through high levels of
Beryllium in Ice cores. This coincided with a period or mutation and die off in flora and fauna, indeed possibly to the disappearance of Neanderthal man. Cygnus X-3 is a very powerful blazer. This binary star has one of its two erupting energy beams pointed squares at us from its location hidden behind the Dark Rift. Just lately it has shown burst of high-energy emissions several times.
It would seem that the last
time this star erupted significantly coincided with the leap into
deeper consciousness and shamanic awareness as well as with biological
mutations in life forms. The creation of anthropomorphic carvings and
rock drawings emerged just after this time. Were the strange particles
the main causes, certainly this similar to the eminent Carl Sagan’s own
theory before his death?
Interestingly the Maya calendar indicates the dark rift
in the Milky Way as important, as do the Maya themselves in their
cosmology. As stated Cygnus X-3 lays behind the dark rift though itself
would only be possibly visible if it was very active. Then it would
likely appear as a bright object for maybe as long as several
centuries. Alternatively Shaman became aware of the light flashes
behind their eyes from the cosmic particle passing through and began to
calculate when they occurred, and thus from which part of the sky.
Maya were certainly fascinated with something connected to the dark
rift, though other candidates than Cygnus X-3 may have been known to
lurk beyond the cosmic dust waiting to erupt. Is this the creation
cycle the Maya Long Count calendar tracks?
The ending of the
count on 21-12-2012 occurs as the winter solstice sun touches the start
of the rift. It will then head through for the following two decades.
It seems likely that the Maya were most concerned with this part of the
Earth’s precession cycle. This would be the peak of whatever was
happening in the period. One degree of precession surrounding 2012
gives us just over 71 years in which events to play out with 2012
approximately central.
will say that procession should not play much of a factor in whatever
is happening being unlike the physical phenomena explained above. This
is because the classic theory states that precession is due to the pull
of the moon on the Earth creating a wobble. As such we are not really
moving relative to the stars as it would seem by the precession of the
solstice points. Modern findings do not seem to support this however as
the speed of precession has been recorded as changing rapidly over the
years. This really only makes sense if precession is in fact caused by
our Sol having a binary twin about which it orbits in a cosmic dance.
This binary relationship would explain the problem that Sidereal years are
too long
compared to the solar year used in our calendar which remains constant.
This also explains why our supposedly terribly wobbly earth does not
end up with regional climate shifts during the precession cycle, as its
angle of alignment wit the sun would change significantly.
If we
are in a binary system, which most known star systems happen to be,
then the stars shift in the sky because we are genuinely being moved
away from our alignments to them. The combination of this movement and
the energetic interaction between two stars are both important to
consider that in the over all picture being painted for us. There may
be a very good reason why a certain part of the precession cycle is
highly risky for our planet.
contains a very unique binary star system in terms of our current
understanding of the Universe. Cygnus X-3 is sometimes referred to as a
neutron star or even a quark star, but nobody is quite sure what it is.
What they do know is it is about the third most luminous star in our
galaxy and the only known emitter of what seems to be 5th dimensional
particles currently named ‘Cygnets’. These have the impossible feature
of reaching earth at light speed and penetrating deep into underground
caverns. We have no explanation that can be considered fully
comprehensible other than higher dimensional energy effects!
kept on finding the Swan and Cygnus coming up, even in Lascoux caves there is a
17,000 year old painting of the constellation. He further discovered
from scientists there was evidence of a high energy cosmic events
around 35,000 years ago, largely discovered through high levels of
Beryllium in Ice cores. This coincided with a period or mutation and die off in flora and fauna, indeed possibly to the disappearance of Neanderthal man. Cygnus X-3 is a very powerful blazer. This binary star has one of its two erupting energy beams pointed squares at us from its location hidden behind the Dark Rift. Just lately it has shown burst of high-energy emissions several times.
It would seem that the last
time this star erupted significantly coincided with the leap into
deeper consciousness and shamanic awareness as well as with biological
mutations in life forms. The creation of anthropomorphic carvings and
rock drawings emerged just after this time. Were the strange particles
the main causes, certainly this similar to the eminent Carl Sagan’s own
theory before his death?
Interestingly the Maya calendar indicates the dark rift
in the Milky Way as important, as do the Maya themselves in their
cosmology. As stated Cygnus X-3 lays behind the dark rift though itself
would only be possibly visible if it was very active. Then it would
likely appear as a bright object for maybe as long as several
centuries. Alternatively Shaman became aware of the light flashes
behind their eyes from the cosmic particle passing through and began to
calculate when they occurred, and thus from which part of the sky.
Maya were certainly fascinated with something connected to the dark
rift, though other candidates than Cygnus X-3 may have been known to
lurk beyond the cosmic dust waiting to erupt. Is this the creation
cycle the Maya Long Count calendar tracks?
The ending of the
count on 21-12-2012 occurs as the winter solstice sun touches the start
of the rift. It will then head through for the following two decades.
It seems likely that the Maya were most concerned with this part of the
Earth’s precession cycle. This would be the peak of whatever was
happening in the period. One degree of precession surrounding 2012
gives us just over 71 years in which events to play out with 2012
approximately central.
will say that procession should not play much of a factor in whatever
is happening being unlike the physical phenomena explained above. This
is because the classic theory states that precession is due to the pull
of the moon on the Earth creating a wobble. As such we are not really
moving relative to the stars as it would seem by the precession of the
solstice points. Modern findings do not seem to support this however as
the speed of precession has been recorded as changing rapidly over the
years. This really only makes sense if precession is in fact caused by
our Sol having a binary twin about which it orbits in a cosmic dance.
This binary relationship would explain the problem that Sidereal years are
too long
compared to the solar year used in our calendar which remains constant.
This also explains why our supposedly terribly wobbly earth does not
end up with regional climate shifts during the precession cycle, as its
angle of alignment wit the sun would change significantly.
If we
are in a binary system, which most known star systems happen to be,
then the stars shift in the sky because we are genuinely being moved
away from our alignments to them. The combination of this movement and
the energetic interaction between two stars are both important to
consider that in the over all picture being painted for us. There may
be a very good reason why a certain part of the precession cycle is
highly risky for our planet.
The Sun
Sun will in this scenario eventually have an enormous outburst either
in cycle 24 or cycle 25 that will produce incredible geo-magnetic
storms for Earth. This is made worse due to the fact Earth’s magnetic
field has not only been rapidly decreasing but has been found to now
have two large breaches
in our natural cosmic shield. Worse still it has been discovered that
due to our field being in alignment with our Suns at this time, twenty
times more Solar wind could potentially enter anyway!
Sun will in this scenario eventually have an enormous outburst either
in cycle 24 or cycle 25 that will produce incredible geo-magnetic
storms for Earth. This is made worse due to the fact Earth’s magnetic
field has not only been rapidly decreasing but has been found to now
have two large breaches
in our natural cosmic shield. Worse still it has been discovered that
due to our field being in alignment with our Suns at this time, twenty
times more Solar wind could potentially enter anyway!
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