Monday, April 6, 2009

star Cygnus + Maya calendar

contains a very unique binary star system in terms of our current
understanding of the Universe. Cygnus X-3 is sometimes referred to as a
neutron star or even a quark star, but nobody is quite sure what it is.
What they do know is it is about the third most luminous star in our
galaxy and the only known emitter of what seems to be 5th dimensional
particles currently named ‘Cygnets’. These have the impossible feature
of reaching earth at light speed and penetrating deep into underground
caverns. We have no explanation that can be considered fully
comprehensible other than higher dimensional energy effects!

kept on finding the Swan and Cygnus coming up, even in Lascoux caves there is a
17,000 year old painting of the constellation. He further discovered
from scientists there was evidence of a high energy cosmic events
around 35,000 years ago, largely discovered through high levels of
Beryllium in Ice cores. This coincided with a period or mutation and die off in flora and fauna, indeed possibly to the disappearance of Neanderthal man. Cygnus X-3 is a very powerful blazer. This binary star has one of its two erupting energy beams pointed squares at us from its location hidden behind the Dark Rift. Just lately it has shown burst of high-energy emissions several times.

It would seem that the last
time this star erupted significantly coincided with the leap into
deeper consciousness and shamanic awareness as well as with biological
mutations in life forms. The creation of anthropomorphic carvings and
rock drawings emerged just after this time. Were the strange particles
the main causes, certainly this similar to the eminent Carl Sagan’s own
theory before his death?

Interestingly the Maya calendar indicates the dark rift
in the Milky Way as important, as do the Maya themselves in their
cosmology. As stated Cygnus X-3 lays behind the dark rift though itself
would only be possibly visible if it was very active. Then it would
likely appear as a bright object for maybe as long as several
centuries. Alternatively Shaman became aware of the light flashes
behind their eyes from the cosmic particle passing through and began to
calculate when they occurred, and thus from which part of the sky.
Maya were certainly fascinated with something connected to the dark
rift, though other candidates than Cygnus X-3 may have been known to
lurk beyond the cosmic dust waiting to erupt. Is this the creation
cycle the Maya Long Count calendar tracks?

The ending of the
count on 21-12-2012 occurs as the winter solstice sun touches the start
of the rift. It will then head through for the following two decades.
It seems likely that the Maya were most concerned with this part of the
Earth’s precession cycle. This would be the peak of whatever was
happening in the period. One degree of precession surrounding 2012
gives us just over 71 years in which events to play out with 2012
approximately central.

will say that procession should not play much of a factor in whatever
is happening being unlike the physical phenomena explained above. This
is because the classic theory states that precession is due to the pull
of the moon on the Earth creating a wobble. As such we are not really
moving relative to the stars as it would seem by the precession of the
solstice points. Modern findings do not seem to support this however as
the speed of precession has been recorded as changing rapidly over the
years. This really only makes sense if precession is in fact caused by
our Sol having a binary twin about which it orbits in a cosmic dance.
This binary relationship would explain the problem that Sidereal years are
too long
compared to the solar year used in our calendar which remains constant.
This also explains why our supposedly terribly wobbly earth does not
end up with regional climate shifts during the precession cycle, as its
angle of alignment wit the sun would change significantly.
If we
are in a binary system, which most known star systems happen to be,
then the stars shift in the sky because we are genuinely being moved
away from our alignments to them. The combination of this movement and
the energetic interaction between two stars are both important to
consider that in the over all picture being painted for us. There may
be a very good reason why a certain part of the precession cycle is
highly risky for our planet.

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