Tuesday, April 7, 2009

‘Independence Day’ or ‘War of the Worlds’ occurred in the Chinese city of Guangzhou.

At around 10:30PM On August 6 2003 an incredible event reminiscent of a scene from ‘Independence Day’ or ‘War of the Worlds’ occurred in the Chinese city of Guangzhou.

A huge mothership or even ‘flying city’ was seen by thousands of residents. The city-sized craft was clearly seen just above a thin layer of cloud. It was emitting green fluorescent light, pulsating and its energy lines were burning contours in the cloud.

Terrified witnesses ran for cover, amazed onlookers watched in awe and commuters literally stoped their cars in the middle of the roads to gaze upwards. Students frantically climbed up buildings to gain a closer look and reporters, hearts pounding, scrambled for photos.

The UFO hovered over the city for at least three hours and finally took off at a speed estimated by a journalist who witnessed the craft at ‘ten times that of a plane’. Airport authorities were contacted but alleged to have picked up nothing on their radars and no aircraft were above the city that night.

The chief forecaster at the Guangdong Province Meteorological Station went on record stating that the entire event was little more than an optical illusion based on city lights reflecting against clouds.

Witnesses, thousands of them, to this day claim that is simply impossible and utterly absurd: it is common knowledge in Guangzhou that in 2003 an alien spacecraft popped in to say ‘Hi.’

Chinese media initially covered the event and then went quite as if commanded to do so: One article from the Government agency Sina.com can be viewed here http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en-GB&u=http://news.sina.com.cn/s/2003-06-08/11231148448.shtml

None of this was reported in the West at all and some local Ufologists believe that Western Governments viewed this event as ‘too hot’ and better hushed up. Reports and photos (such as the amazing one below) are all that is left of the event, however the wizened residents of Guangzhou now know they are not alone in this universe and will never forget that earth shattering night back in 2003

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