Friday, April 17, 2009


When I was a teenager I saw three disks over my head near my home in Mitcham (south london, UK). They crossed the sky in a straight line at a constant velocity. It was before the days of satelites and they were much brighter than them.

I was given 25 years psychiatric treatment for it and much debunking.

Much more recently I saw a daylight disk over my present home in Wimbledon south London UK. It was quite low and I could see detail of a metal cirular structure. There was quite a big rim round the edge that looked like a dish reflector.

I suffered more psychiatric treatment as a result.

By the way, mum, who is 96 and confused by brain damage by a surgon's knife became quite intelligent again this afternoon and said she had been to zeta reticulum when she was young. I understand my Uncle Arthur went as well. They both received intensive psychiatric treatment afterwards. Mum must have thrown the mental block off so they put it on again.

Hitler was reported to have been in contact with aliens too.

She went back again to her demented state this evening and cried. She denyed it when I mentioned it but it was a false denial and said that I should not speak of such things. Then she cried out as if in pain.

When I went on an induction course with the Science Research council I was shown some educational films. One was on the atom bomb and some on britains defences and we were also told that there was governmental contact with the zetas. I was told about the effet of frontal lobe removal and there was a film showing it being carried out on a traitor who had spied. We were also told about the anti-matter bomb we had and experimental matter transmitters and instantaneous secure point to point communication over light years.

Reality is much stranger than fiction or any dream or story I could make up.

4 Mac, 2009 19:46

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